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Nutritional value:

        Wakame is a kind of high nutritional value, large brown algae obvious health effects, mainly produced in China, Japan, the Korean Peninsula and other coastal waters clean. According to the 1999 survey showed that the world's total production of seaweed was 57 million tons, of which China is about 20 million tons, accounting for about 35% of world production. While consumption is only 50,000 tons, less than 10% of total production, the majority of wakame are on the Japanese and Korean dining table, where the Japanese annual consumption of 35.5 million tons, more than 60% of total production. A population of only one tenth of the country of consumption of seaweed for the country's more than six times, and three meals a day to eat wakame, where in addition to diet, and explain wakame nutritious, delicious, health good.
         Japanese food nutrition experts, wakame contains high quality nutrients, is a health and longevity of food to give full recognition. Wakame contains sugar, protein, amino acids and various trace elements beneficial to human health and vitamins.

100g dried wakame contains the following ingredients:

Ingredients Proportion Trace elements Content Vitamins Content Amino acid composition Content ratio
Alginic acid 15% Calcium 1300mg A 1.5mg Acid 0.45
Algal polysaccharides 4%-6% Iodine 24mg B1 0.3mg Isoleucine 0.43
Protein 15% Manganese 950mg C 15mg Lysine 0.54
Fat 3.20% Iron 7mg Carotene 3300mg Phenylalanine 0.54
Crude fiber 2.70% Phosphorus 400mg Glycyrrhetinic acid 1800IU Tryptophan 0.38
    Nickel 460mg Smoke acid 8.0mg Threonine 0.79
    Sodium 6100mg     Leucine 1.24
    Potassium 5500mg     Methionine 0.3

        Long-term consumption of seaweed can prevent or ease gradually atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, thrombosis, goiter, Alzheimer's disease, can reduce blood sugar, diabetes, can strengthen bones, protect the skin, treatment of constipation, suitable for weight loss, anti-aging can improve prone to iron deficiency anemia, can ease people's impatience, or even play a role in inhibiting cancer. In short Wakame is a health and beauty foods.