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Shandong Linyi: "linshu Cup" Yi River Festival on the 13th put the fish hold forty million newborn fish

2013-10-17 13:19:56

10, the reporter in 2013, " linshu Cup" China - Yi River put the fish festival news conference that China - Yi River Fish Festival will take place on October 13 at the opening ceremony of the beach in the sun . This put the fish section , " diving Yi River , flying dream " as the theme , plans introduced in the Yi River , Shuhe , altar inside ancestral temple rivers, lakes Wuzhou , Wu River wetlands, Andi Reservoir , Bashan Reservoir , steep mountain reservoirs and Xu Jiaya put all kinds of reservoirs and other water species 40 million . With immediate effect, the public can subscribe or donate love fish .

This put the fish section mainly include five series of activities , namely, the opening ceremony , " Four Rivers Siku " and Continental lake releasing activity , the city's famous aquatic exhibitions, Linyi large whitebait cooking contest and exhibition , Chinese - Yi River released fish Festival " love love Yi River fish " schoolchildren painting competition and winning exhibition. September 14 - September 30, 2010, event party will be in Linyi People's Square, the scene set up calligraphy Square subscription and donations points , with the intention of participating units and will also be available on-site to subscribe species or donations . Fully in line with the principle of voluntary activities , limited to the amount of fish subscription and donations . Those who participate in the subscription or donation of businesses and individuals , will receive coupons and put the fish put the fish festival commemorative badges and invite them to participate in the ceremony and put the fish activity . Subscription or donation amount larger enterprises , units or individuals, will be awarded honorary certificates. Title company in the opening ceremony of publicity, the major responsible person will attend the opening ceremony as guests and put the fish activity .

Sept. 13 put the fish section after the opening ceremony , will be introduced in the Yi River , altar inside ancestral temple urban section of the river , Shuhe linshu segment , Wu River wetlands and Andi Reservoir , Bashan Reservoir , steep mountain reservoir, Xu Jia Ya Reservoir and Lake Wuzhou put the fish to carry out activities, plans releasing various species 40 million . Meanwhile , during the event , the exhibition will be held in the city's famous aquatic activities to the county as a unit, set up a total of about 200 tanks showcase the city's famous farmed fish to enhance the public understanding of the status of the city's fishing industry , and enhance the activities of popular science , interesting. At the same time , will also be organized for schoolchildren organized by "Love Yi River • Love Fish " painting contest and winning the fish section of the discharge opening scene for exhibition to raise children to protect the mother river , the awareness of love fish resources rich connotation activities to enhance participation, educational.

In addition, to promote large whitebait nutritional value and consumption methods , making people's home cooking, health food , big whitebait improve social awareness, but also specifically during the event organized by the Chinese - Linyi icefish cooking contest and display . By then, China will be invited eight cuisine chefs , for large whitebait and Linyi famous fish ( Yi River carp, perch , pike , etc. ) for cooking show. Invite nutrition experts and relevant leaders and the masses to participate in activities .

It is understood that the province's freshwater fisheries Linyi City is a large city , the city's total of more than 1,800 rivers , 901 reservoirs, embankments 6000 , 12,000 ponds with a total surface of 112 hectares, accounting for the province's freshwater resources, sixth , ranking Province, the second place, with rich fishery resources . In order to improve the quality of the waters of the ecological environment , since 2002 , Linyi City in the Yi River , reservoirs and other water systems to carry out fishery resources proliferation activities , since 2008 , at the provincial , city and county levels of support, Linyi continuous Andi was carried out in five reservoirs and other large reservoir fishery resources proliferation activities , the cumulative discharge of large-sized water fish over 100 million three ten million .